Criminal Defence

We’re here to support you and provide the guidance you need.

Here at Murrays Solicitors, we are here to help with all kinds of legal matters. If you’ve been arrested or charged with any of the offences listed below, or any other offence, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for advice.

  • Theft, Blackmail, Burglary, Robbery, or Shoplifting

  • Drunk and disorderly, affray, violent disorder, riot, disorderly behaviour, or harassment

  • Drugs offences

  • Assault, Kidnapping, GBH, ABH, wounding

  • Firearms offences

  • Offensive weapons offences

  • Sexual Offences

  • Murder, attempted murder, or manslaughter

  • Fraud

  • Perverting the course of public justice, perjury, witness interference
The Magistrates Court is generally the first court people go to when facing a criminal case. It usually handles less serious offences and refers more serious cases to the Crown Court. Examples of offences that only the Crown Court deals with include murder, robbery, and most sexual offences. offences like assault may be tried in either the Magistrates or the Crown Court, depending on the seriousness of the crime.
A summary only offence is a minor crime that can only be tried in a lower court, like a magistrates’ court. These offences are generally less serious and usually carry lighter penalties, such as fines or short prison sentences. Examples include minor theft, public disorder, and driving offences. In simple terms, if a crime is considered minor, it’s a summary only offence and is dealt with quickly and easily in a lower court.
These are mid-level offences, which are more serious than summary-only offences but less serious than indictable-only offences. They include offences such as theft, burglary, and more serious assaults like actual bodily harm (ABH). In either way offences, magistrates have to decide if they have sufficient sentencing powers to deal with the case if the accused is found guilty. The Magistrates Court can only give a maximum of 12 months in prison. If magistrates decide that their powers are sufficient, then the accused will have the choice of having a trial in the Magistrates Court or in front of a jury in the Crown Court.
Indictable only offences are serious crimes that can only be tried in a higher court, like a crown court. These offences usually carry heavier penalties, like long prison sentences. Examples include murder and rape. Because they are serious, these cases often involve more complex legal processes, including a preliminary hearing to decide if there’s enough evidence to go to trial. In simple terms, if a crime is so serious that it can’t be handled in a lower court, it’s considered an indictable only offence.
Legal aid is support provided by the government to help people who can’t afford a lawyer. It covers costs for legal advice and representation in court, ensuring that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. If someone is eligible for legal aid, they can get help with things like criminal cases, family disputes, or housing issues. In simple terms, legal aid helps people pay for legal help when they need it but can’t afford it.

Murder, Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter

Murder is when a person of sound mind unlawfully kills any human being with an intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm (under the Queens Peace). To be convicted of Murder the prosecution must show that the defendant killed with malice aforethought. In other words, there must have been an intention to contact us either kill or cause grievous bodily harm. Murder carries a mandatory life sentence if convicted which means that the presiding Judge has no discretion to offer a lesser sentence. Murder trials are always tried at Crown Court in front of a Judge and Jury. As well as complete defences such as an alibi or self-defence there are partial defences that may reduce the offence to voluntary manslaughter if they are argued successfully. These include loss of control, diminished responsibility and killing in pursuance of a suicide pact.
Attempted Murder is defined in law as when a person has the intention to kill and has done something more than preparatory to commit the killing. In other words, the accused must have done something other than merely prepare to commit unlawful killing. The act has to be serious enough that death could have resulted from it and there must have been intent to kill. If convicted of attempted murder the court may impose a discretionary life sentence.
There are two broad categories of involuntary manslaughter which are “Unlawful act manslaughter” i.e. killing by an unlawful act likely to cause bodily harm and “Gross Negligence Manslaughter” For the prosecution to successfully argue Unlawful Act Manslaughter they must prove that the defendant committed an act which is unlawful (e.g. arson, criminal damage), that this act was dangerous (in the view of a sober and reasonable person) and that the harm likely to result from this unlawful act must be physical harm. Where a person causes death through extreme carelessness or incompetence then they may be charged with Gross Negligence manslaughter. This is generally defined as a failure to exercise a reasonable level of caution given the circumstances and can include acts and omissions. The defendants in such cases are usually people carrying out jobs that require special skills or care such as Doctors, teachers, prison officers or electricians who fail to meet the standard which could be expected contact us from a reasonable person of the same profession and cause death.


We at Murrays Solicitors are one of a small number of recognised specialist Law firms appointed to the very high cost case and specialist fraud panel. Members of our legal team have a vast wealth of experience and expertise in handling fraud cases of all types and complexity.
We have a highly efficient team who will ensure that you receive the correct and most appropriate advice when preparing the strongest possible defence.

Our experience defending these types of cases has enabled Murrays Solicitors to utilise the services of the very best defence forensic experts in fields such as accounting, voice recognition, computers, facial mapping, DNA, handwriting, and other evidence gathering specialists.
In addition to dealing with all types of fraud cases, we specialise in the following areas:

We recognise that not all commercial or “white collar” fraud cases involve large-scale criminality. Whether the investigation involves the Serious Organised Crime Agency or local CID, the personal impact on company officers, businesspeople, and employees can be profound. With our extensive experience, we will support and guide you through the complexities of such investigations. We combine legal expertise with hands-on business knowledge to craft the strongest possible defence tailored to your situation. Our approach is thorough, leaving no stone unturned and exploring every avenue on your behalf. Our team of Executives, Solicitors, and Advocates will advance your case with the utmost rigor and professionalism. In short, we offer a steady, guiding hand, providing peace of mind during what can be an overwhelming experience for even the most seasoned professionals.
An HMRC visit can be a stressful experience with serious implications for company officers, businesspeople, and employees. Murrays Solicitors, with years of experience in HMRC investigations, simplifies the complexities and provides the guidance you need. Our legal team combines expertise with business acumen to craft a strong defence, even for the most complex and paperwork-heavy cases. As members of the Specialist Fraud Panel, we ensure all defence avenues are explored, including consulting forensic accountants when necessary. Our team is here to support you throughout this challenging time.
Murrays Solicitors has extensive experience handling allegations related to mortgage irregularities, applications, and misleading valuations. We understand the complexities of these cases and recognize that not everything is black and white. Often, law-abiding individuals find themselves caught in the criminal actions of others. Murrays Solicitors will support you through every stage—from police interviews to court proceedings—while advancing your defence with expert forensic, scientific, or accountancy reports as needed. With us by your side, you won’t face these challenges alone. We’re here to fight for you.
Money laundering involves hiding the source of illegally obtained money, using methods that vary in complexity. Convictions can lead to sentences of up to 14 years in prison. Since the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA), prosecutions for money laundering have risen sharply, and professionals are now legally required to report any suspicious activity. It’s also common for individuals accused of other crimes to face money laundering charges and investigations into any profits from illegal activities.
Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) or Carousel fraud refers to a scheme involving the theft of Value Added Tax (VAT) from a government. This occurs when VAT regulations are manipulated, typically during the cross-border movement of goods, which in some cases are VAT-free. In its simplest form, this type of fraud occurs when a person or company charges VAT on goods and then disappears (hence the term “Missing Trader”) without remitting the collected VAT to the government’s tax authority. Carousel fraud, a more intricate version of MTIC fraud, usually involves small, high-value items like mobile phones. These items are circulated and traded among various companies and jurisdictions in a complex web of transactions designed to obscure the tax liability. Prosecutions for these offences are typically long and complex, often involving numerous expert witnesses and legal defence specialists. At Murray’s, we specialize in this area and have a dedicated team of experienced lawyers who have handled numerous cases of this nature. With years of expertise, we are well-equipped to provide you with the necessary legal guidance. If you suspect you need legal advice or assistance in relation to MTIC or Carousel fraud, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. It’s crucial to ensure you are represented by skilled and knowledgeable solicitors if you’re involved in such an investigation.
The terms “Health & Safety” and “Trading Standards” often cause anxiety for even the most diligent business owners and employees. The complex web of regulations can trap anyone, regardless of their intentions. At Murrays Solicitors, we offer the legal expertise to help you navigate this challenging area. We understand the difficulties businesses face in keeping up with constantly changing regulatory requirements. If you’re facing a Regulatory, Health & Safety, or Trading Standards investigation, it’s crucial to seek legal advice immediately. Early intervention can prevent prolonged investigations and minimize disruption to your business. Our legal team can assist with a variety of trading standards issues, such as product safety, sales practices, consumer credit, licensing, and copyright. Should court proceedings follow, we offer representation in both the Crown and Magistrates Courts. This area of law is constantly evolving, and expert legal advice is essential, especially as many offences are “strict liability” meaning intent is not required to face criminal charges. Penalties can include fines, imprisonment, and damage to your reputation. Whether you’re a retailer, wholesaler, distributor, or manufacturer, a Health & Safety or Trading Standards investigation can have serious, long-lasting consequences. Our solicitors can help you explore alternatives to prosecution, such as warnings or cautions, by liaising with local authorities. If you’ve received a court summons, it’s vital to secure specialist legal representation immediately. Our team is available 24/7, year-round to provide expert advice and guide you through the process.

Sexual Offences

If you are arrested or facing a police interview, we at Murrays have extensive experience handling sexual offence cases, including sexual assault, rape, possession of indecent images, extreme pornography, and breach of trust offences. We take pride in our professional and sensitive approach to these matters.

We specialize in representing clients from professional backgrounds and meticulously scrutinize prosecution evidence. Our team has successfully challenged evidence, leading to the withdrawal of charges in many cases.

We also work closely with expert witnesses skilled in analysing technical evidence, such as computer data, to challenge the prosecution’s claims.


The key legal provisions regarding indecent images of children are Section 1 of the Protection of Children Act 1978 and Section 160 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. These laws criminalize the creation, distribution, possession, and advertisement of indecent images or pseudo-photographs of children, leaving the definition of “”indecent”” to the jury’s discretion based on accepted standards.

Sentences for possession of indecent images vary depending on the content and number of images, categorized from low-level erotic posing to more extreme content like sadism or bestiality. Defences may include lack of knowledge or accidental possession, as we have successfully argued in past cases.

This area of law is challenging for both victims and those accused. At Murray’s Solicitors, we have extensive experience in handling such cases sensitively, understanding the immense stress it causes all involved.

Sexual Offences Act

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 modernizes older laws, adding new offences like non-consensual voyeurism, assault by penetration, and causing a child to watch a sexual act. It also includes provisions for restricting travel for those involved in sex tourism.

Interviews for sexual offences can be stressful, and denying one charge could unintentionally admit another. It’s crucial to seek expert advice before an interview. At Murrays, we’ll attend with you to provide that guidance.

Facing court for a sexual offence is daunting, but at Murrays, we ensure every client is treated with respect and dignity. Our experienced team understands the heavy toll these cases take on all involved.

If arrested, contact us immediately. We offer legal aid to support your defence and representation.

Types of Sexual Offence

We represent individuals facing a range of sexual offence charges, from possession of indecent images to serious accusations such as rape and historical sexual abuse. This includes cases involving the possession and distribution of indecent images of children online.

Being accused of a sexual offence is a deeply distressing experience that can strain personal relationships and severely damage your reputation. We also recognize the anxiety caused by being placed on the sex offenders register, even for minor offences.

At Murrays, we understand the gravity of all sexual offence allegations, as the consequences for the accused can be profound, regardless of the nature of the accusation. However, certain offences are considered particularly serious.

Rape involves the intentional penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person with a penis, without their consent.
Assault by penetration occurs when someone penetrates the vagina or anus of another person without their consent, and the act is deemed sexual. An act is considered “sexual” if a reasonable person would view it as such.
Sexual assault is the intentional sexual touching of another person without their consent. In certain situations, the court presumes that consent did not exist, applying to charges of rape, assault by penetration, and sexual assault. It is then the defendant’s responsibility to prove that consent was present. These situations include: Use of violence against the victim or another person The victim being held captive The victim being unconscious Physical disability affecting the victim The victim being incapacitated by substances When alcohol is involved, issues of consent can become complicated. While drunken consent may be valid, if the person consumed enough alcohol to cause unconsciousness, the court may assume non-consent. The primary defence in such cases is either proving consent existed or demonstrating a reasonable belief in consent. For this defence, the consent must have been freely given, and the belief in consent must be honest and one that a reasonable person would share.
Grooming is an offence that occurs when someone communicates with a person under 16 and arranges to meet them with the intent to commit an offence, such as sexual intercourse. The crime is complete once the individual travels to the meeting location, regardless of whether the offence is carried out. Grooming cases can be heard in either magistrates or crown courts, with a maximum sentence of 10 years in the crown court.